Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Nine months and counting..

So, welcome to my new blog. I've never done this before, but I'm usually the last one to figure something out. I'm too busy thinking about chocolate or fabric patterns to care about blogging. Well, here I am, blogging. To update everyone: I am 39 weeks pregnant, and I am absolutely miserable. Has any other woman ever been through this? As if I didn't respect women enough, this just ups the uber-respect of women. I feel like a beached whale while I am trying to get off of my bed, my fins flopping in the wind as my husband attempts to push me far enough to the side so that I am able to scoot my way to the floor. Then, up I go to pee for the fiftieth time during the night. I believe it is nature's way of preparing me for the sleepless nights to come. I can remember when ten in the morning was very early..ahh, how things have changed.

Also, put a few new pieces on my craft site: recycledfabric.etsy.com, they are oh so beautiful.

SO, thats just a small piece of my life. I hope you will read more, I probably wouldn't, but I will be back tommorrow with more updates. Is anyone even going to read this?

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